Wednesday, October 22, 2008

BoA - Eat You Up [U.S. Video]

Earlier this week I debuted the "Eat You Up" video from BoA, her debut U.S. single. And now here's a different version of the video, the U.S. video version. It's completely different to the other video - so take a look =)

Thoughts on the U.S. version?


Anonymous said...

Diane Martel?
She's american...and so is the american version of the video...
Shame on diane martel...and the americans are probably embarrassed because of diane martel...i wanted to hit diane's head when i saw the full video. the bluegreenscreen effect was f'ed...the moon was shaking like it was on an overhead projector...BoA's make up was f'ed...the bloody solo dance scene...whats with the grafiti on the wall with chinese AND japanese then korean writing on the wall...her last choreo. is a yoga move...
walking on a treadmill with the moon shaking THROUGH BoA...that red
50% of the video is wind blowing on BoA's face on a WHITE NOTHING BACKGROUND...
talk about diane talking about BoA on the making of her video...
"BoA...she is like favourite artist right now because shes so sweet to work with...she learns dance moves so easily...she dances better than a dancer...and we call her doctor...she checks my pulse"
shes diane's fav. artist my ass...
yeah BoA's so good at dancing and diane makes BoA look like some shiet hip hop wannabe with cheap effects...and that outfit...BoA isnt getting ready to be tied up for bondage also said to her make up person..."make her pretty..."then the guy said..."ye...but not too pretty..." thought that was a joke...but that make up artist guy should dye too...

Anonymous said...

continued by iloveboaandmr.cha euntek...

Dear MR cha...

i would like to thank you sooo much for spending toooo much effort on BoA's debut american single music video. I heard on the news? i think...Mr Cha spent 40 hours on the music video! compared to diane martel's...what...4 minute job? seriously i can make a better video...diane...wake up diane martel...wake up...your making your name cheap...too cheap...

i love you mr cha! thank you once again!
